My Fixed Bridge Makes My Life Easier

When I had a badly decayed tooth extracted, I got a partial denture to fill in the gap. I didn't mind it at first, because I was just so happy to have my painful tooth out of my mouth. Over time, I began to get tired of taking it out at night. I asked my dentist if I was could get a dental implant, and he said that my gum disease did not make me a good candidate, but a fixed bridge may be a good option for me. I went with his suggestion, and I have no regrets. I love feeling like I have a real tooth again that I don't have to remove at night. I created this blog to remind other people with a missing tooth that they have many replacement options, and if one is not for you, then try another that may be right.

FAQs About Treating Teeth Grinding With A Mouth Guard

Dentist Blog

Teeth grinding can lead to a host of problems, including misalignment and tooth loss. Treating the problem is important. If your child's dentist has noticed signs of teeth grinding, he or she might recommend that your child wear a mouth guard while sleeping. If your child is supposed to wear a mouth guard, here is what you need to know:

Why Wear a Mouth Guard?

Wearing a mouth guard while sleeping might not seem like a reasonable method of dealing with teeth grinding, but it is a commonly used treatment that is highly effective. If your child is grinding his or her teeth, it likely occurs while he or she is asleep. Your child might not even realize that he or she is doing it.

When your child wakes up, he or she might complain of a headache and soreness in the mouth and jaw. As he or she continues the grinding, the enamel is worn down on the teeth. Enamel is not replaceable. Without its protection, your child's teeth could have oral problems, such as cavities.

The mouth guard basically keeps your child's teeth from rubbing together while he or she sleeps. The guard acts as a protective layer between the teeth. It can be difficult to wear at first, but he or she will become accustomed to wearing it.

Should You Get a Custom Mouth Guard?

There are over-the-counter mouth guards available that some parents have opted to use. The mouth guard must be prepared by boiling it for a length of time. After the plastic is pliable, you will place it in your child's mouth to mold it to his or her teeth.

Whether the over-the-counter option is right for your child depends on certain factors. For instance, the intensity of your child's teeth grinding matters. The over-the-counter mouth guard might not be strong enough to withstand the pressure from severe grinding, which could cause it to break in your child's mouth.

There is also a concern that the mouth guard might not be molded correctly to the child's mouth. If it is not, it might not stay in place while your child sleeps. This could lead to a risk of choking and suffocation.

By contrast, a custom-fit mouth guard considers the intensity of your child's teeth grinding and fits over his or her teeth perfectly to avoid dislodging.

Your child's dental clinic will discuss further your options and help you decide which is the right treatment for your child. 


19 October 2017