My Fixed Bridge Makes My Life Easier

When I had a badly decayed tooth extracted, I got a partial denture to fill in the gap. I didn't mind it at first, because I was just so happy to have my painful tooth out of my mouth. Over time, I began to get tired of taking it out at night. I asked my dentist if I was could get a dental implant, and he said that my gum disease did not make me a good candidate, but a fixed bridge may be a good option for me. I went with his suggestion, and I have no regrets. I love feeling like I have a real tooth again that I don't have to remove at night. I created this blog to remind other people with a missing tooth that they have many replacement options, and if one is not for you, then try another that may be right.

Is It Necessary To Have Teeth Removed Before Getting Braces?

Dentist Blog

If you need adult braces because of tooth crowding, there's a good chance the dentist will recommend you have teeth removed to ensure there's enough room for the others to shift into the right places. While this may seem like a logical thing to do, having your teeth removed prior to getting braces isn't always wise. Here are a couple of things you need to consider before agreeing to get your teeth extracted.

Tooth Health

The most obvious issue to consider is the health of the teeth. It makes sense to pull teeth that are significantly damaged or diseased. For instance, if the tooth has a deep cavity that goes all the way down to the roots, then it's best to remove the tooth for both your overall oral health and to make it easier for your teeth to move around.

However, you may want to think twice about extracting teeth that are perfectly healthy, because there are many downsides to removing teeth prior to getting braces. For instance, you could experience teeth retraction, a condition where the braces change the arch of the teeth and creates a smaller container for the tongue. Not only does this leave less room for the tongue to move around, but you could develop sleep apnea as a result due to the crowding.

Thus, it may be best to just leave them in place if they're fine. Ask the dentist if those teeth absolutely must be removed and consider keeping them if there's no real medical need for them to go.

Tooth Location

Another thing to consider is which teeth the dentist wants to remove. It may not be as big of a deal to remove wisdom teeth, even healthy ones. These teeth sit behind the molars and are often lead to dental problems after they come in. For instance, the eruption of wisdom teeth can lead to crowding if there isn't enough room in your mouth for them. Since they sit in the far back of the mouth, it can be difficult to properly brush them, which means they are a great risk of developing cavities. So, getting rid of these teeth may not be a big loss.

On the other hand, many dentists want to pull the premolars, the teeth that sit behind the eye teeth. Unlike wisdom teeth, premolars perform an important function in the mouth by helping chew small pieces of food. Without these premolars, you may be more dependent on your canine teeth to perform this function, which can cause them to wear down faster than normal and require repair in the future.

Before having any teeth extracted for braces, consider all the pros and cons of the situation. If necessary, get a second opinion to help you make the best decision. To discuss this and other issues related to getting braces, consult with an orthodontist.


13 March 2018