My Fixed Bridge Makes My Life Easier

When I had a badly decayed tooth extracted, I got a partial denture to fill in the gap. I didn't mind it at first, because I was just so happy to have my painful tooth out of my mouth. Over time, I began to get tired of taking it out at night. I asked my dentist if I was could get a dental implant, and he said that my gum disease did not make me a good candidate, but a fixed bridge may be a good option for me. I went with his suggestion, and I have no regrets. I love feeling like I have a real tooth again that I don't have to remove at night. I created this blog to remind other people with a missing tooth that they have many replacement options, and if one is not for you, then try another that may be right.

Dental Bridge Procedure: Here's What You Need To Know

Dentist Blog

A dental bridge procedure can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. The procedure involves placing an artificial tooth (known as a pontic) in the space left behind by the missing tooth (or teeth). The pontic is then attached to surrounding teeth (abutment teeth) with dental crowns. Dental bridges are usually made from porcelain, a strong and durable material closely resembling natural tooth enamel. The pontic can also be made from gold or another metal. In some cases, the bridge may be attached to dental implants instead of natural teeth.

Below is a step-by-step guide outlining the procedure involved in installing dental bridges


The assessment will take into account the number of missing teeth, the location of the missing teeth, and the health of the surrounding teeth. In addition, the assessment will determine whether any underlying health conditions could impact the success of the dental bridge procedure. Once the assessment is complete, the dentist can provide patients with a detailed treatment plan.

First Appointment: Preparation & Temporary Placement

During teeth preparation, the dentist will remove a small amount of enamel from the teeth on either side of the gap. This will allow for the placement of dental crowns, which will support the bridge. A temporary bridge will then be placed over the teeth. The purpose of the temporary bridge is to protect the teeth while the permanent bridge is being made. It will also help to ensure that the permanent bridge fits properly.

Second Appointment: Permanent Dental Bridge Placement

The second appointment will involve the placement of the permanent bridge. The teeth on either side of the gap will be trimmed to support the dental crowns. The permanent bridge will then be cemented into place. This usually takes two to three hours, and you may feel some pressure while the permanent bridge is being placed. After the permanent bridge is in place, your dentist will check to ensure it is fitting properly and make any necessary adjustments. Once your dentist is satisfied with the fit, the bridge will be permanently cemented. 


Brush and floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. It's important to avoid hard and sticky foods that can damage the bridge and take care when brushing, so you don't dislodge the bridge. If the bridge becomes loose or damaged, contact your dentist right away. With proper care, a dental bridge can last for many years.


23 November 2022