My Fixed Bridge Makes My Life Easier

When I had a badly decayed tooth extracted, I got a partial denture to fill in the gap. I didn't mind it at first, because I was just so happy to have my painful tooth out of my mouth. Over time, I began to get tired of taking it out at night. I asked my dentist if I was could get a dental implant, and he said that my gum disease did not make me a good candidate, but a fixed bridge may be a good option for me. I went with his suggestion, and I have no regrets. I love feeling like I have a real tooth again that I don't have to remove at night. I created this blog to remind other people with a missing tooth that they have many replacement options, and if one is not for you, then try another that may be right.

Questions Your Implant Dentist May Ask Before Your Dental Implant Restoration

Dentist Blog

If you are planning to have a dental implant installed, in addition to reviewing your dental history, your dentist will likely ask you a few questions, especially if the implant dentist is different from your family dentist. Here are a few questions that the implant dentist may pose:

Are you diabetic?

Although having diabetes does not automatically lower your chance of having a dental implant successfully placed, unstable blood sugar levels can increase the likelihood of implant failure.

When dental implants are placed, the resulting wounds require a few months to heal. During this healing process, the implant becomes secured within the bone of the jaw. If an implant wound does not heal correctly, the implant may never become stable enough for a successful restoration.

People with erratic blood sugar levels may suffer delays in their wound-healing rates. They may also have an increased risk of infection.

Your implant dentist will likely encourage you to maintain stable blood sugar levels by following the advice of your physician concerning the treatment of your diabetes.

Do you smoke?

Smoking is associated with a higher incidence of implant failure because of smoking's negative effects on wound healing. As a smoker's lungs fill with smoke, the blood oxygen levels of the smoker decline. These levels can impair the body's ability to heal at the implant wound site. In addition, smokers often suffer from a reduced amount of circulation around their wounds and an increase in the likelihood of an infection.

The negative impact of smoking on dental implants can be avoided if smoking is stopped a few months before the placement of a dental implant.

Do you grind your teeth at night?

Even if there is little evidence of your teeth grinding based on a casual observation of your teeth, your dentist will likely want to know if you suffer from bruxism before he or she installs your dental implant.

A dental implant will fail if it shifts from position, and the bite pressure from bruxism can cause this to occur. Since bruxism occurs without the sleeping person's knowledge, it is best for people with the condition to wear a mouthguard nightly. The mouthguard, which is made of soft material, absorbs the force that could damage your implant.

For more information about the questions that your dentist may ask before the placement of a dental implant, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your area or check out websites like


3 February 2017