My Fixed Bridge Makes My Life Easier

When I had a badly decayed tooth extracted, I got a partial denture to fill in the gap. I didn't mind it at first, because I was just so happy to have my painful tooth out of my mouth. Over time, I began to get tired of taking it out at night. I asked my dentist if I was could get a dental implant, and he said that my gum disease did not make me a good candidate, but a fixed bridge may be a good option for me. I went with his suggestion, and I have no regrets. I love feeling like I have a real tooth again that I don't have to remove at night. I created this blog to remind other people with a missing tooth that they have many replacement options, and if one is not for you, then try another that may be right.

An Alternative To Complete Dentures When You're Missing All Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

Even if you're missing every single tooth in your mouth, you may not be a suitable candidate for complete dentures. But how can this be possible? It might seem like complete dentures are a general, all-encompassing solution for missing teeth. And yet, if you can't wear dentures, what other way is there to replace an entire set of teeth?

Suitable Candidates

Complete dentures are a pragmatic solution for edentulism (toothlessness), yet there are shortcomings and disadvantages to consider—even in patients who are ideal candidates for complete dentures. You may be an ideal candidate who currently wears a set of complete dentures, yet their instability (tendency to reposition themselves) may have begun to grate. Their potentially unnatural appearance may also be weighing on your mind. You might need to replace both upper and lower dental arches, and may not even be a suitable candidate for dentures. 

Unsuitable Candidates

A lack of healthy gum tissue or jawbone abnormalities can create incompatibility with complete dentures, leading to the denture base plates failing to adhere to the soft palate (and using suction to remain in place). This is not a common prognosis, yet some patients in need of tooth replacements may have to rule out dentures entirely—or almost entirely.


Implant-supported dental bridges use a starkly different mechanism than removable dentures. Perhaps you've heard of dental implants before. The implant is a small rod made of titanium that is surgically inserted into the jaw. The bone heals around it, and the implant can then have a ceramic tooth attached, and courtesy of the implant's integration with the jawbone, the finished restoration has the same strength as a natural tooth. A specific method has been developed when all teeth are to be supported by implants.

Four Implants

All-on-4 dental implants involve (as you've probably concluded) four implants placed in your jaw. These can in fact be miniature implants, as they're sharing the pressure of fixed dentures, as opposed to anchoring a single tooth each. Miniature implants are placed at a shallower depth, with less healing time. You'll receive four implants in each jaw. This can be performed under IV sedation. 

Quick Completion

A fixed dental bridge is simultaneously crafted as the preparations are made for your surgery. This features ceramic teeth bolted to a thin titanium base plate. On the underside of the base plate are four indentations that align with the placement of your implant. Once your implants are placed, the dental bridge containing your replacement teeth is attached within 24 hours, so the results are almost instantaneous.  

Whatever the reason that complete dentures aren't advisable in your case, there is another option for tooth replacement—and this permanent, fixed option offers a level of naturalness you may not have thought possible.


6 July 2023